KANAB, Utah –The Kanab area has been a favorite destination for filmmakers since the 1920’s. Building on this great filmmaking tradition, the annual “Little Hollywood Shootout,” kicks off at the historic Parry Lodge in Kanab, Utah on March 24-26, 2021. The “shootout” is a quick-turnaround film competition offering prospective filmmakers the challenge of producing a short film with Kanab area locations as the backdrop. The competition starts on Wednesday, Marc 24, 2021 at high noon where film production requirements including locations and a theme will be revealed to participants. Competitors will then have 49.5 hours to write, direct, edit, and complete a five-minute film. Film submissions are due at 1:30 pm on Friday, March 26, 2021 in an online format. The shootout films will then be premiered at a community screening and awards ceremony in the evening on Friday, March 26, 2021 at the Kanab Center. Prospective filmmakers of all ages from beginners to veterans are invited to take part in the challenge. Primary filming locations are required to take place in Kane County but editing and post-production can take place at the participants desired location. Two divisions are available for participants with one category intended for novice filmmakers of all ages looking to gain experience and the other division is geared for competitors who have more experience in film production. Films are due at 1:30 pm on Friday, March 26, 2021 and can be submitted via an online method or films can be submitted in person back at Parry Lodge at the time of the deadline. Festivities of the Little Hollywood Shootout conclude with a film screening and...
Sorry, but the shootout is canceled or postponed until further notice.
Little Hollywood Shootout Starts at High Noon on April 1, 2020 in Kanab KANAB, Utah –The Kanab area has been a favorite destination for filmmakers since the 1920’s. Building on this great filmmaking tradition, the annual “Little Hollywood Shootout,” kicks off at the historic Parry Lodge in Kanab, Utah on April 1-3, 2020. The “shootout” is a quick-turnaround film competition offering prospective filmmakers the challenge of producing a short film with Kanab area locations as the backdrop. The competition starts on Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at high noon where film production requirements including locations and a theme will be revealed to participants. Competitors will then have 49 hours to write, direct, edit, and complete a five-minute film. Film submissions are due at 1:00 pm on Friday, April 3, 2020 either in person or online. The shootout films will then be premiered at a community screening and awards ceremony in the evening on Friday, April 3, 2020 at the Kanab Center. “The shootout is the thunder dome of quick turnaround film challenges and we’re excited for the 2020 shootout,” commented Kane County Film Commissioner, Kelly Stowell, organizer and founder of the event. “The shootout provides an opportunity for aspiring filmmakers to produce a film where film legends have also worked,” explained Stowell. Prospective filmmakers of all ages from beginners to veterans are invited to take part in the challenge. Primary filming locations are required to take place in Kane County but editing and post-production can take place at the participants desired location. Two divisions are available for participants with one category intended for novice filmmakers of all ages looking to...
Little Hollywood Shootout Screening and Awards Ceremony at 7:30 pm on April 12, 2019 at Kanab City Library during the Kanab Film Festival KANAB, Utah – The distinctive landscape of the Kanab area has made this part of southern Utah a favorite destination for filmmakers since the 1920’s. Building on this great filmmaking tradition, the annual “Little Hollywood Shootout,” kicks off at the historic Parry Lodge in Kanab, Utah on April 10-12, 2019. The “shootout” is a quick-turnaround film competition offering prospective filmmakers the challenge of producing a short film with Kanab area locations as the backdrop. The competition starts on Wednesday, April 10-12, 2019 at high noon where film production requirements including locations and a theme will be revealed to participants. Competitors will then have 49 hours to write, direct, edit, and complete a five-minute film. Film submissions are due at 1:00 pm on Friday, April 12, 2019 either in person or online. The shootout films will then be premiered at a community screening and awards ceremony in the evening on Friday, April 12, 2019 in Kanab. “We’re excited for the 2019, shootout and we have a great event planned which is known as the thunder dome of quick turnaround film challenges” commented Kane County Film Commissioner, Kelly Stowell, organizer and founder of the event. The shootout provides an opportunity for aspiring filmmakers to produce a film where film legends like Jonah Nolan and Frank Sinatra also worked,” explained Stowell. Prospective filmmakers of all ages from beginners to veterans are invited to take part in the challenge. Primary filming locations are required to take place in Kane County...
KANAB, Utah – The distinctive landscape of the Kanab area has made this part of southern Utah a favorite destination for filmmakers since the 1920’s. Building on this great filmmaking tradition, the annual “Little Hollywood Shootout,” kicks off at the historic Parry Lodge in Kanab, Utah on April 10-12, 2019. The “shootout” is a quick-turnaround film competition offering prospective filmmakers the challenge of producing a short film with Kanab area locations as the backdrop. The competition starts on Wednesday, April 10-12, 2019 at high noon where film production requirements including locations and a theme will be revealed to participants. Competitors will then have 49 hours to write, direct, edit, and complete a five-minute film. Film submissions are due at 1:00 pm on Friday, April 12, 2019 either in person or online. The shootout films will then be premiered at a community screening and awards ceremony in the evening on Friday, April 12, 2019 in Kanab. “We’re excited for the 2019, shootout and we have a great event planned which is known as the thunder dome of quick turnaround film challenges” commented Kane County Film Commissioner, Kelly Stowell, organizer and founder of the event. The shootout provides an opportunity for aspiring filmmakers to produce a film where film legends like Jonah Nolan and Frank Sinatra also worked,” explained Stowell. Prospective filmmakers of all ages from beginners to veterans are invited to take part in the challenge. Primary filming locations are required to take place in Kane County but editing and post-production can take place at the participants desired location. Two divisions are available for participants with one category intended for...
2018 Little Hollywood Shootout Concludes at Crescent Moon The 8th annual “Little Hollywood Shootout,” film challenge concluded on Saturday, April 7, 2018 with a community screening premier of submitted films at the Crescent Moon Theater. The first place film award went to Ryan Taplin, and his crew for their film, called “Home.” Second place honors went to Jeff Sanders and his crew for the film “The Murder of Crow.” “Isolation Issues” by Chistian Naverrette came in 3rdplace and was followed by sixteen year old Max Turner for his film called “Strange Journey.” Rounding out the runners up was “Sunshine Away” by Mariah Larsen, “For Better or For Worse” by Southern Utah University students, “Walk Through Valley” by Moses Baldersam, “Untitled” by Aaron Saltzman of Las Vegas, Sandstone Peaks Middle by Sean Labrecque, “Take a Hike” by Jake Clayson, and “Journey Home” by Sydney Brown. The coveted audience choice award also went to the film “Sandstone Peaks Middle” with Sean Labrecque and his crew from St George. “This is an extremely tough challenge and all the filmmakers should be commended for their creativity and hard work,” said event organizer Kelly Stowell. In all there were a record number of teams competing in the 2018, shootout with eleven teams completing the task. The “shootout” is a quick-turnaround film challenge requiring filmmakers to produce a short film with Kanab and Fredonia area locations as the backdrop. At high noon, on April 4, film production locations and a theme was revealed to participants. The theme for the 2018, shootout was ”Take a Hike.” Competitors had two days to write, direct, edit, and complete...