The 2013 Little Hollywood Shoot Out was an experiment in offering a longer time period for film completion. As a result we received some well polished projects that were able to push the bounds of film creation. And though we enjoyed the polished projects, we also noticed a decline in the number of finished submissions. In an attempt to increase the number of participants and return to the high energy event of years past we are re-tooling the Little Hollywood Shoot Out to take the best of everything we’ve done in past years to create the best experience possible for participants. This year we are going to be a 52 hour competition and we are adding education and networking opportunities to the event, hoping to add maximum value to the event for all those who attend.
That said, Enjoy this list of films from the 2013 event and we’ll see you this spring in Kanab!
Black Blood by Jared Seaich
Heros of Tomorrow Past by Darren Chase
The Greatest Chase Ever – Trevor Black
Anythings Possible – Adam Brown and Malcom Judd
Above and Beyond by Derek Robinson